A little bit about me
I am a farmer from South Lincolnshire, with a love for photography, I farm in South Lincolnshire, which is a lovely part of the country and very flat, mostly being used for farming and food production. When I am not working I love to do photography, it is mostly Landscape Photography and I am not far from the east coast of Norfolk and a few hours from The Peak District, everyone needs some kind of hobby or distraction from your everyday and mine is photography, I am extremely lucky to work ‘mostly’ outdoors and enjoy whatever nature throws at me, but its nice to get away and consume yourself in something other than work.
I have owned a number of cameras over the years starting with a point and shoot to now using a Nikon Z series mirrorless camera. The first real time I remember using a camera to any degree was on a school trip to York, I cannot remember too much other than it was sunny, but I do remember the camera.
It was this, the Kodak Ektra 10 film camera. Not the best looking camera in the world but it did the job at the time.
What I do remember is the add on flash stack you had to attach to the Ektra, it was huge, nearly as big as the camera itself and they were a one use only flash. When you had used all the flash bulbs that was it, buy another one and off you go again.
In the Nineties I got my first digital camera, it was a Nikon Coolpix 990. I bought it to go on our first family holiday, it was in the days before mobile phones and doing selfies, but what I loved about this camera was its ability to swivel the camera around to face you and take ‘selfies’ before they were ever known as that. It had a huge 3.34 megapixels!!! It proved to be a great camera and one I will remember.
And then in 2019 I got my first mirrorless interchangeable lens camera for a ‘special’ birthday, the Nikon Z6 and it changed how I viewed photography completely going from the odd bit here and there to spending most of my spare time doing photography, either off out scouting a new location or actually getting some photos and it coincides with me and the good lady having some long walks out in the great outdoors come rain or shine, well I am more likely to be on my own if the weathers awful, but that’s when you can get great photos, you just need to be prepared to get up early or stay out late to get the best light and not be disappointed when a shoot does not go well. Just be thankful you can get out and enjoy yourself.
She keeps me fit by going on a walk every day, although I don’t know if its me taking her for a walk or her taking me for a walk. Either way she is great company and she goes with me everywhere when I am close to home, even managing to keep out the shot when taking a photo, although some biscuits in the pocket do help.